lo University of Peradeniya - Sri Lanka

Faculty of Engineering

Welcome to Online Course Registration System, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Online Course Registration

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Instructions to students - Make-up examinations

1. Requests for make-up examinations should be submitted to the office of the Assistant Registrar (AR) within FIVE (05) working days of the scheduled date of the examination you failed to sit for.
2.Use the MAKE-UP REQUEST FORM available at the AR office or Dean’s office to make your request. You do NOT need to write separate request letters.
3.Late requests for make-up examinations submitted after the above stipulated time are NOT accepted.
4.You or a friend of yours can make the initial request for make-up examinations.
5.For requests based on MEDICAL reasons, valid medical certificate should be submitted with the request form.
6.If medical certificate is not available at the time of making the request, it should be submitted to the AR office within 3 working days of submitting the request.
7.If you plan to participate in SPORTS EVENTS representing the Faculty / University during examination period, you are required to submit request for make-up examinations, together with valid proof of participation, before the event is held.

Requests submitted after the events are NOT accepted

 16th June 2014

Developed by: Computing Center - Tel:+94-81-2393481

Copyright © 2009 by Chandrasiri K.W.D.M, Computing Center, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

All Rights Reserved.(For comments:mahindac@pdn.ac.lk)